2018-08-07 Press Release

…scheme, unfortunately, as Petitioners’ brief highlights, much work remains to be done before Petitioners’ claims are no longer relevant or capable of adjudication. Indeed, Act 35’s fair funding formula is…


Derrick F Decision and Order

…M O R A N D U M Before the court is Plaintiffs’ Motion for a Preliminary Injunction (Doc. 2). The parties have briefed the issues and the court held…



…PRELIMINARY OBJECTIONS TO THE PETITION FOR REVIEW Petitioners, through their counsel and pursuant to Rules 1516(b) and 1517 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure and Rules 1028 and 1029…



…OBJECTIONS TO PETITION Petitioners, through their counsel and pursuant to Rules 1516(b) and 1517 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure and Rules 1028 and 1029 of the Pennsylvania Rules…


18-08-03 Wolf Answer to Mootness Application

Protection Clause. 4 After hearing argument, this Court overruled, without prejudice, the preliminary objections regarding the nature of the constitutional rights at issue and the level of scrutiny to be…



…needs came in a brief and affidavits filed in the case today by attorneys from the Education Law Center, the Public Interest Law Center, and O’Melveny & Myers LLP, refuting…


Back-to-School Guide 2022

…work is available from the Advancement Project and ACLU of Pennsylvania. Black and Brown communities, hardest hit by the coronavirus, have also borne the brunt of school disruption, receiving diminished…


Click here

definition section of the Act defines “educational agency” as “a local educational agency or a ‘State educational agency’ as defined by section 801(k) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act…


Glen Mills Complaint Exhibits – FINAL

…https://adssettings.google.com/whythisad?reasons=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-OUZ4t2xA-jM_BdwY6TGKngT2sMVa1y_Y3P_9zHxGgnMxTOXJ1-THF–2CHpkqUYxMAIc-aAV_4ughB8RjoDsKYmVIMAnuqTfX_xuFTkXTWcIKdcDcHKvh97TpRM81-wQjvFnEcryuIA6A6E8cCKdIzQS9PB8yePUKGPwwn4haqibD2k_MtYStEicvoSFWOMS632-QKBjY-zY5dcvYplbom_Axq3kc5UgMQKC29_aGcRkx,6k6MaWY8EDXRDgeVvRpnLw&source=display&cbt=jz7YZ6E6UDoIABDO_8WxCRgAIgBCF2NhLXB1Yi02NzgwMzQ5NTAxNzEyMDExSAJYFHABuAGtoM6KgwQ&cv=https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/conversion/%3Fai%3DBYI1ClvauXKHODsOF3QGww7mIC52Hp7tFAAAAEAEgse6iIDgAWK2gzoqDBGDJzviKtKTkD7IBDnd3dy5waGlsbHkuY29tugEJZ2ZwX2ltYWdlyAEC2gFfaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucGhpbGx5LmNvbS9jcmltZS9hL2dsZW4tbWlsbHMtc2Nob29scy1wYS1hYnVzZS1qdXZlbmlsZS1pbnZlc3RpZ2F0aW9uLTIwMTkwMjIwLmh0bWyYAqhGwAIC4AIA6gINNDQ5NS9waGwubmV3c_gChNIekAPgA5gD4AOoAwHIA5kE4AQB0gUGELWq3doSkAYBoAYU2AcB4AcL0ggHCIBhEAEYAQ%26sigh%3Dzd4hwWL72q0 4/11/2019 At Glen Mills Schools, boys are beaten, then silenced https://www.philly.com/crime/a/glen-mills-schools-pa-abuse-juvenile-investigation-20190220.html 3/25 “I’ve seen people thrown through doors, like it was a movie.” James Johnson, former Glen Mills student…



…meaningfully include parents, students, and their communities in governance; and 6. are accountable to the local communities they serve. Available at http://www.elc-pa.org/ELC_PrinciplesforCharterSchoolReform_9.20.12.pdf. http://www.elc-pa.org/ELC_PrinciplesforCharterSchoolReform_9.20.12.pdf ! “#$%&'()*!+&,!-.*’./!! 01(2&#.231(&!4!0(”56$/71! ,,,8.2%93&8)/7! ! Recently, we…



…on behalf of others similarly situated (hereinafter referred to “Class Members” or “Auberle Class”), and Defendant McKeesport Area School District (referred to as “MASD” or “District”). WHEREAS, Named Plaintiffs and…



…Easton Di -Vento Act. The District establishes local rules and practices concerning the enrollment, transportation, and education of children within its district, including homeless children. 8. Defendant Carolyn Dumaresq is…
