
…public high school, similar to hundreds of public high schools around the country. JA 66 (Complaint); 116 (Answer). Buehrle is an “Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth” (AEDY) school where “disruptive…



…student newspaper that would not be seen as school-sponsored speech). 22 e. Speech that constitutes a “true threat” does not receive First Amendment protection Speech that constitutes a “true threat”…


Turzai Brief

…services; financial assistance, e.g., unemployment benefits and public assistance; and public infrastructure, such as road maintenance, availability of utilities and other matters. 22 Nonetheless, strict scrutiny is not applied in…


Derrick et al. v. Glen Mills Schools et al.

…these actions followed groundbreaking investigative reporting by the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Lisa Gartner. Read our April 2019 press release here. Read our complaint here. Read our comprehensive brief here, filed Aug….


GS Filed AMICUS Brief 2018

…ResidentialInstabilityandtheMcKinney-VentroHomeless-2010.pdf ………… 11, 13 Russell Rumberger, Student Mobility: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions, National Education Policy Center (2015), http://nepc.colorado.edu/files/pb_rumberger-student-mobility.pdf ………………… 7 Ý¿­»æ ïéóîèèê ܱ½«³»²¬æ ððíïïîèêíêðï п¹»æ é Ü¿¬» Ú·´»¼æ ðîñîèñîðïè TABLE…


School-funding system ‘broken,’ Pa. judges hear

…to get out of here as soon as possible and get to the Supreme Court,” Brobson said. It is not clear when the court will rule on Wednesday’s arguments. http://mobile.philly.com/news/breaking/?wss=/philly/news/breaking&id=295962701&…


18-09-19 Wolf Answer and New Matter

…all children begin school ready, and are ready to learn and succeed in their schooling careers, as lifelong learners and productive citizens. Research confirms what most parents already know; all…


Petitioners’ Brief

…still ‘treading water’, The Inquirer, Feb. 8, 2018, available at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/despite- funding-increases-under-wolf-pa-school-districts-still-treading-water-20180209.html (“Even with the increases [Governor] Wolf proposed for next year, the formula would apply only to 9 percent…



…time, and the request must be in writing. The school entity shall make the permission to evaluate form readily available for that purpose. If a request is made orally to…
