Glen Mills Class Action Press Release

…on his education. After years of struggling in school, Walter was making progress with full-time special education instruction and counseling as a related service due to his emotional dis-regulation and…



…year, a federal court held that the provisions of the Pennsylvania Public School Code governing water-closets and out-houses cannot be construed to prohibit the presence of 1 In addition to…



… download/23482 ……………………………………………………………………………. 9, 10 Pa. Human Relations Comm’n, Education Discrimination, Types-of-Complaints/Pages/Education.aspx (last visited May 17, 2019). … 17 Stephen T. Russell & Kara Joyner, Adolescent Sexual Orientation and…


Historic Victory in Fight for Fair Funding!

On Feb. 7, 2023, Commonwealth Court Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer issued a historic ruling in the Pennsylvania school funding case, declaring the PA school funding system unconstitutional.  “All witnesses agree that every child…


18-09-19 BoE Answer and New Matter

…minor; Tracy Hughes, parent of P.M.H. minor; Pennsylvania Assoc. of Rural and Small Schools; and The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – Pennsylvania State Conference, Petitioners v….


Current Law & Policy

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