A criminalized school climate is the wrong path

…of advocating for increased court referrals, local judges should be pushing for smart school climate reforms that dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline while making schools safer. Read the complete letter: http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/letters/2013/11/21/A-criminalized-school-climate-is-the-wrong-path/stories/201311210127…


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…this field blank. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Education Law Center – PA, 1800 JFK Blvd, Philadelphia, PA, 19003, https://www.elc-pa.org/. You can revoke…


Commonwealth Court dismisses school-funding lawsuit

Pennsylvania lawmakers is working to propose a fair-funding formula that would likely provide poorer school districts with a higher percentage of state aid and reduce funding to wealthier districts. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20150422_Commonwealth_Court_dismisses_school-funding_lawsuit.html#oLJoAGAH8KUEuRi3.99…


School funding lawsuit headed to the Pa. Supreme Court

…rulings, Pennsylvania has adopted the Keystone exams as a graduation requirement and completed a costing-out study setting levels for what each school district needs to provide an adequate education. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20150521_School_funding_lawsuit_headed_to_the_Pa__Supreme_Court.html#Bt79IG2ek53W1y14.99…


Battle over fairness of state education funding heads to Supreme Court

…that the legislature complies with its constitutional duty to provide a thorough and efficient system of public education. Pennsylvania’s public school students are entitled to their day in court.” http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2015/05/battle_over_fairness_of_state.html…


School-funding suit headed for highest Pa. court

comes as Gov. Wolf has proposed millions more dollars to school districts across the state, and a bipartisan commission has been holding hearings to develop an education-funding formula, which Pennsylvania…


The ABCs of school-funding formulas

…School Partnership, a well-funded nonprofit, said the commission “came out with a comprehensive, well-reasoned, and balanced set of recommendations. . . . [The] commission has created the opportunity for a…


Education funding gaps: Which states are hitting, missing the mark?

…of color, the Ed Trust report concludes, “contradicts a national commitment to equality of opportunity, and it deprives students of learning experiences, enrichment, and support they need to succeed.” http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Education/2015/0325/Education-funding-gaps-Which-states-are-hitting-missing-the-mark…


The wheels on the bus are late

…established as a result of the state investigation. For help securing compensatory services for a child’s missed instruction, contact the Education Law Center at 215-238-6970 or go to https://elc-pa.org. http://mobile.philly.com/beta?wss=/philly/news&id=364329951…


Residency Decision

…insufficient to support the Board’s decision to disenroll the students. While the opinion was originally unreported, the Commonwealth Court subsequently granted ELC’s motion to publish the decision. Spring 2017 http://caselaw.findlaw.com/pa-commonwealth-court/1776970.html…
