Historic Victory in Fight for Fair Funding!

state’s school funding system into constitutional compliance, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to access a “comprehensive, effective, and contemporary public education” – the standard set by the court….



sufficient numbers of qualified professional employees to enforce the curriculum requirements of Chapter Four of the Pennsylvania Code and “employ the necessary qualified professional employees, substitutes and temporary professional employees…


Amici Brief: PCCY et al

Local 32 BJ (“SEIU Local 32 BJ”) represents, for purposes of collective bargaining, over 20,000 employees in the state of Pennsylvania. Most of these employees work as custodians, janitors, food…


J.S. v. Manheim Township School District

In the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. ELC joined with ACLU Pennsylvania in filing an amicus brief in support of a student who was expelled for off-campus speech in J.S. v. Manheim…


School Funding Trial Has Concluded

…trial. Commonwealth Court Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer is presiding over the case. The 48-day trial started on Nov. 12, 2021 in the Pennsylvania Judicial Center in Harrisburg. A decision from…
