Pa. Group Alleges Discrimination in Alternative-School Placements

August 7, 2013 – by Christina Samuels –

The Pennsylvania-based Education Law Center filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice today, saying that young people with disabilities and black students are being placed in alternative schools far out of proportion to their representation in the school population.

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Why School Libraries Matter

A school library helps each school meet its mission of each student learning and achieving academic success. A school library helps teachers teach and students learn; it promotes information literacy and digital citizenship; it fosters in students a love of and enthusiasm for reading and encourages students to become life-long learners.

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Student Voices on Pennsylvania School Funding Reform

In 2008, Good Schools Pennsylvania and the Education Law Center visited schools throughout the Commonwealth and invited students to share their hopes and goals, and comment on how adequately funded schools support their aspirations. These are their stories.